Oct 10, 2015
Drug use in our parks.
In the past month, we have had instances of drug use in both the North and South Parks. Please keep your eyes open when walking and driving through the neighborhoods (not just around the park.) Look up from your cell phone and see what is going on around us.
If ANYTHING looks suspicious, report it to the police. You can call their non-Emergency line if you do not want to dial 911. Non-Emergency Line: (302) 573-2800
Sept 1, 2015
From Councilman Robert S. Weiner's Office
and the NCCo Police Department
From Councilman Robert S. Weiner's Office and the NCCo Police Department
RE: possible drug use and/ or trafficking in the Fairfax North/ Blue Rock Manor Park
We are very concerned that there might be drug activity in our parks and will always support the efforts of our citizens who report such activity. Our County Police Department is also committed to stopping the use of drugs in our communities. Our County Police Department has taken a proactive position on fighting the use and possession of drugs especially in our County Parks. NCCo police and government unveiled their new heroin outreach campaign Thursday morning called The Heroin Trap. The plan is to use commercials, billboards and social media in the hopes of scaring youths away from the deadly drug.
New Castle County will spend $500,000 over the next year on a campaign aimed at preventing heroin use by young people. "We can police and we can police and we can police and we can build the prisons and the evidence lockers. We have done that. We have done that extremely well. We have to educate the next generation that heroin is a death sentence," said New Castle County Police Chief Elmer Setting at an event unveiling the initiative.
NCCPD have asked their Patrols car to spend time in our neighborhood parks and at night in an attempt to resolve this issue and Officers will perform property checks when available.
I would also encourage residents and/or the reporting person to continue to report any suspicious activity they observe in the area via the non-emergency line 573-2800 and the drug tip line is 571-4056. Thank you.