Biennial Officer Elections - May 2022
We will have an informational meeting and meet and greet for all perspective board members before the election. Please contact us if you would like to learn more regarding joining the board.
Here you will find information and questions to many common answers regarding the Officer positions and the election process.
Q: What do the officers do?
A: While each officer has their own duties assigned to them, we all work as a team to make Fairfax a great place to live. We, as a group, organize social activities such as movie nights, the Easter Egg Hunt and Halloween Parade as well as individually lead park clean ups, communicate with neighboring Civic Associations and political leaders, and many other activities. The possibilities are endless, especially if you have ideas that you bring to the group!
Q: How much of a time commitment is involved?
A: This varies. It is a 2 year commitment. We have a neighborhood association meeting yearly, as well as 4-5 board meetings and other activities. We ask that Officers attend all meetings and do their best to attend all social functions (we go to them anyways!) Some officers take on additional responsibilities like managing the website, monitoring the Facebook page, attend CCOBH meetings, etc. These extra responsibilities can be split up between officers to not put the burden on one person.
Q: Do I need any sort of experience to join the board?
A: All you need is a drive to make our neighborhood great! Our past officers have come from varied backgrounds such as teaching, engineering, law, restaurants, construction, real estate, stay-at-home moms and more. We all bring great ideas and motivation to the group and the more varied the group, the more varied the ideas!
Q: How do I put my name in?
A: There are two ways. Email board@fairfaxdelaware.com to submit your intent to run or you can submit your intent in person the night of the election. The difference is that if you submit your intent before, we can put together a short bio of you for the meeting and election, and if for some reason you cannot be at the election meeting, your intent was already submitted and you will not need to be present in case the ballot comes to a vote. If you do not submit your intent before the meeting, and cannot come to the meeting, then you cannot run. Someone can not submit your name without you accepting the nomination.
Q: How does the election take place?
A: There are 7 officer positions available. If we have 7 or less people interested in joining the board, we will not have a vote, we will just ask for a movement to install all nominated members onto the board. If there are 8 or more people who have submitted their intent, then we will have a vote. Ballots will be preprinted with any names we already have, along with blank spots for anyone that submits their intent the night of the election.
Q: Who can run for an Officer position?
A: Any member of our association is allowed to be an officer. According to our By-Laws, a resident is considered a "member of the association" as long as they live within the designated area that is Fairfax and are up to date on their annual dues. (if you are unsure if you are up to date on your dues, please email us)
Q: Can someone renting in Fairfax run for an Officer position?
A: Absolutely! As long as they meet the requirements stated above, and plan on staying in Fairfax for their 2 year term.
if you have any further questions or would like to submit your intent to run, please email board@fairfaxdelaware.com