Recent news
SAVE THE DATE: Aldersgate 5k May 6
Posted on March 10
Aldersgate United Methodist Church will be having a 5K race on Friday evening, May 6th.
They will have course marshals at every turn of the race as well as a few uniformed police officers at heavier traffic areas to help with safety. There will NOT be road closures for the night. At most, the marshals might stop cars for a minute or two if groups of runners are on the street.
There is a map attached of the course route for reference. If you are on the route and would like to come out and cheer on the runners they would appreciate it.
In addition, this year the church youth group will be completing a service project through the neighborhoods in picking up trash on Earth Day as they hand out flyers promoting the race.
If you have any other questions or concerns, please contact Jamie Hayman (jamie@haymancreative.com) and he will do his best to address them in a timely manner. Jamie and Aldersgate hope for a successful event for all the entrants and certainly do not want to impact the local community in any negative manner.
Click HERE for more information

Green Acres Invties Fairfax Neighbors to Join
Posted on March 3
Christine Nastasi from the Green Acres Swim Club board has would like too extend the opportunity for Fairfax community members .. who may not be associated with a swim club to join Green Acres this summer.
Green Acres is a Division A Swim Club and a very nice community of members.
Click HERE for more information

Annual Dues Collection
Posted on March 3
Bills for the annual dues were mailed in late January. Dues are currently:
$40 per house hold $20 per senior citizen household (62 and older)
Our dues used for, but not limited to:
Snow Plowing
Social Actvites (including, but not limited to, the Halloween Parade, Movie Nights, etc)
Landscaping of Islands
Neighborhood Insurance
Please submit your dues payment at your earliest convienece or pay online with paypal HERE

Delaware Recycles Program
Posted on August 15
Not always sure what items can be recycled? Below are some questions and answers that may be helpful and add clarification to Delaware’s Recycling Program

Delaware Solicitation Permit
Posted August 15
Fairfax is a posted "No Soliciting" neighborhood, however, that is mearly a request and holds no legal bearing. The state of Delaware requires all door to door sales people and businesses to regsiter with the state and to wear their permit at all times.
For more information, click on "Read more"